Not gonna lie, my 198th #ScholarSunday thread was by far the hardest of any of them yet to finalize. Partly that’s for the specific reason that a lot of this great work was created pre-election, making for a Frankenstein’s Monster of a thread to be sure. And partly that’s for the broader reason of, y’know, every-freakin-thing.
But la lucha continua, & to my mind what we do—especially what we all do in all the work, but also what I do in compiling & sharing that work in these threads—is more vital than ever. So here’s a ton of great public scholarly writing, podcast episodes, new & forthcoming books from the past week. Share more below please, share the thread widely if you would, & enjoy!
Also: while I am now a bit more fully on Blue Sky (, my plan remains to stay largely off of social media moving forward. So it’ll be really important for y’all to share things with me ( if these threads are gonna continue, as I hope they can and will.
Starting with a few favorites from the week as usual, including Olivia Paschal for the New York Review of Books on the politics of land in Appalachia:
Another great entry in Martha S. Jones’s Hard Histories at Hopkins series, this time on an 1850 petition & intersecting Baltimore communities:
For her History Chef blog, my longtime agent Suzy Evans wrote about Andrew Jackson’s 1828 inauguration:
& here’s Olivia Stowell for Public Books on Laguna Beach at 20 years old:
Speaking of Public Books & turning to current events (but non-election-specific, as I can’t bear to share many of those post-mortems quite yet), here’s Gregory Laski on the now even more pressing question of whether colleges can save democracy:
Joanne Freeman wrote for The Atlantic on two election lessons from 1800:
& for the AHA’s Perspectives column, Ben Rosenbaum wrote on the organization’s Congressional briefings program one year in:
Lots of great new podcast episodes this week, including the latest Unsung History featuring Carolyn Renee Dupont on the Electoral College:
Martha S. Jones talked with OMNY’s The Bright Side about Black women voters & the legacy of the 19th Amendment:
Speaking of inspiring Black women, the latest Civics & Coffee episode featured Donna Nicol on her book on groundbreaking educator Claudia Hampton:
& for a lot more on race & higher ed, check out the latest episode of Matt Seybold’s American Vandal, featuring a ton of experts on HBCU histories:
For the latest episode of the Writing Westward podcast, Holly Miowak Guise joined to talk about her new book Alaska Native Resilience:
While episode 55 of Drafting the Past features Robin Bernstein on her new book Freeman’s Challenge & maintaining scholarly integrity:
Episode 33 of Waitman Beorn’s Holocaust History podcast features Chris Webb on the Belżec extermination camp:
Episode 103 of the Historians at the Movies podcast features Craig Bruce Smith & Robert Greene II on The Terminator:
I concluded my podcast The Celestials’ Last Game with a special Postgame Press Conference: History, Sports, & the Battle for American Memory:
& the post-election episode of Jon Stewart’s The Weekly Show podcast features Heather Cox Richardson on what we do now:
Speaking of the election, tons of public scholarly coverage at Time’s Made By History blog (mostly pre-election, but still vital for us to read & engage of course), including Ben Zdencanovic on Harris’s proposals to help Black men:
Eladio B. Bobadilla wrote for Made By History on the 1994 California vote that anticipated Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric:
Here’s Allison Mashell Mitchell for Made By History on the history of abortion politics in Florida:
Ana Lucia Araujo wrote for Made By History on how legacies of slavery across the Americans inform U.S. politics:
& one election post-mortem for Made By History this week, Henry M.J. Tonks on a Democratic Party realignment that aided Trump:
Two great pieces for AAIHS’s Black Perspectives blog this week, including Christian McCord on organizing in Cincinnati’s housing projects:
& in a similar vein, H. Shellae Versey wrote for Black Perspectives on Black women, public housing, & resistance:
A pair of new book publications to highlight this week, including Masi Asare’s Blues Mamas & Broadway Belters: Black Women, Voice, & the Musical Stage from Duke University Press:
& Lucy Jane Santos’s Chain Reactions: The Hopeful History of Uranium is also now out from Simon & Schuster:
Also check out another great USIH book review, Ben Stanley on Aaron Eddens’s Seeding Empire: American Philanthrocapital & the Roots of the Green Revolution in Africa from University of California Press:
A trio of important forthcoming books are now available for pre-order, including Hilary N. Green’s Unforgettable Sacrifice: How Black Communities Remembered the Civil War from Fordham University Press:
Now available for pre-order from the University of Chicago Press is Nathan K. Hensley’s Action without Hope: Victorian Literature after Climate Collapse:
& also available for pre-order from Chicago is John M. Kinder’s World War Zoos: Humans & Other Animals in the Deadliest Conflict of the Modern Age:
Finally, the good folks at Haymarket Books have made ebook versions of ten essential scholarly works free for download in this moment:
Gonna end with a handful of excellent election-focused newsletter, including Vaughn Joy’s latest Review Roulette on The Manchurian Candidate:
Over at his Academic Bubble newsletter, Dion Georgiou reviewed the new film The Apprentice:
Speaking of Dion, if you want more public scholarly goodness beyond this thread, as always make sure to check out his latest Stop, Look, & Listen newsletter:
For his In Case of Emergency newsletter, William Horne wrote about Frederick Douglass on white American Christianity:
While Kevin Levin wrote for his Civil War Memory newsletter on the 1864 presidential election:
& Kevin Kruse offered a brief but important post-election check-in on his Campaign Trails newsletter:
Finally, at my own blog I spent the week AmericanStudying the 1924 presidential election, a reminder that there’s always more we can learn from the past as we struggle to figure out the present & work for the future:
& on that note, next week marks my blog’s 14th anniversary, & I’ll reflect all week on this decade & a half of public scholarly blogging. I sure wish that were happening in a better moment, but America in November 2010 was pretty awful too, which was part of why I began sharing my public AmericanStudies perspective. The worst is always with us, & needs our work—which can help push us toward our best. Glad to be in it still & always with y’all.
PS. I’m sure I missed plenty as ever, so please share more public scholarly writing, podcast episodes, new & forthcoming books from the past week below! Thanks, happy reading, listening, & learning, & keep the faith, y’all.
Thanks for your tireless efforts. Just want to also share my open letter I wrote for fellow academics on Wednesday about the letter I wrote to my students that morning.