Here it is, my 157th #ScholarSunday thread of great public scholarly writing & work, podcast episodes, new & forthcoming books from the last week. Share more below & enjoy, all! #twitterstorians
First, a reminder that I’m now also sharing these threads on my newsletter:
Starting with a few favorites from the week as usual, including @eclemay for @EssayingDaily with his moving contribution to “The Essay in a Time of Genocide”:
For a lot more perspectives & voices on Palestine, check out the Journal of Palestine Studies’ open-access reading list (h/t @IBJIYONGI):
Stunning stuff from Kiese Laymon in @BitterSouth, the opening essay from @katemedley’s new book (& featuring her photos):
Really enjoyed this @JSTOR_Daily piece from @Arlingtonscribe on the Superman mythos & growing up Black in America:
& @aobrien2010 wrote for @MEAFLCIO on the role that Maine workers played in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor & the march to war (h/t @MaineWCH):
For this week’s installment of @BaltimoreHist, @EmmanuelMehr highlighted how an African American Civil War officer spent his birthday in the city:
Important open-access article on the racial wealth gap from @kenhoulin & Guillermo Dominguez for @ReadDemography (h/t @WalterDGreason):
Turning to current events, vital reporting from @marymhudetz & @ashnguuu for @propublica on Native American ancestral remains at Harvard (h/t @loganjaffe):
@Lollardfish wrote for @CNNopinion on college presidents & the debate over antisemitism on college campuses (h/t @Wralpheubanks):
Speaking of higher ed crises, deeply frustrating & hugely important essay from @powellAtlantic for @TheAtlantic on West Virginia University:
While @stevanzetti reported for @TexasMonthly on the Texas Historical Commission’s equally frustrating book removals from historic sites (h/t @npcox):
Bracing & inspiring reflections from @julianakilrose for @scalawagmag on #StopCopCity & those who oppose the fight for justice:
& @bleachbred wrote for his @Medium column on Moms for Liberty & the layers of conservative hypocrisy:
Lots of great new podcast episodes this week, including the latest @Unsung__History feauring @bdsavage1 on the scholar Merze Tate:
The 37th episode of the awesome @draftingthepast has dropped, featuring @MarthaHodes on combining the personal & the historical:
The new @buzzkillprof episode featuring @llassabe on her vital new book Resistance from the Right from @UNC_Press:
While the latest episode of the LGM Podcast features @samsmacy on her new book Race, Removal, & the Right to Remain (h/t @ErikLoomis):
For the new episode of @HerbertHistory’s #HATM podcast, @Patrick_Wyman stopped by to talk The Last Duel & the Middle Ages onscreen:
For a seasonal episode of their @PodOnlyKnowsPod, @ProbablyRealJB & @kelly_j_baker shared a brief history of the War on Christmas:
With the release of its fourth & final episode, the whole run of @DorothyERoberts’ #TornApart for @MsMagazine is now available & a must-listen:
& for more on scholarly podcasts, @OBWax of @TIMEHistory interviewed @TheRestHistory hosts on the art of historical podcasting:
Speaking of @TIMEHistory, lots of great new work for its @madebyhistory, including @CMcKNichols & Cameron Givens on conspiracy theories after Pearl Harbor:
@CalvinScherm wrote for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on the role Reagan played in deepening the racial wealth gap:
Also for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory, here’s Tommy Song on the limits & unexpected consequences of the Atoms for Peace movement:
& finally for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory, Matthew Lassiter wrote on the bipartisan failures of the War on Drugs:
Lots of great work for @BlkPerspectives this week as well, including @Philadelphian91 on the controversy over the Without Sanctuary lynching exhibit:
@prof_alopez wrote for @BlkPerspectives on movie theaters, the color line, & segregation in the urban North:
While @SethSTannenbaum wrote for @BlkPerspectives on Rachel & Jackie Robinson’s battle against housing discrimination in Connecticut:
Finally for @BlkPerspectives, @lucien_baskin of @SchomburgCBFS interviewed @cmmphd & @EbonRebel on Black women & economic self-determination:
A long-awaited book finally dropped this week: my @Fitchburg_State colleague @katisjewell’s Live from the Underground from @UNC_Press:
& for one example of the many excellent responses to @katisjewell’s book, check out James Sullivan’s review for @BostonGlobe:
Speaking of vital new books from @UNC_Press, @lmansley of @AHAhistorians interviewed @drewmckevitt on Gun Country:
Couple important new books now available for pre-order, including @CharlesWMcKinn2 & @DrFHamlin’s From Rights to Lives from @VanderbiltUP:
& also available for pre-order is @SusanDarraj’s new novel Behind You is the Sea from @HarperCollins (h/t @robinfield):
For many more book recs & reading ideas, check out the next installment of @contingent_mag’s year-end lists, this one on literary studies:
& speaking of @contingent_mag, great new entry in its How I Do History series featuring @llassabe (h/t @Marc_A_Reyes84):
Gonna end with a few more favorites from the week as usual, including @nu_africana’s tribute to Dr. Ángel David Nieves (h/t @WalterDGreason):
Great essay from Robert Darnton for @nybooks on the possibilities & limitations of digitization, open-access, & the dream of a universal library:
If you need some help getting into the holiday spirit, @gvaughnjoy has you covered as usual, this week with her new Review Roulette newsletter on Rudolph:
& for my new @SatEvePost Considering History column, I used the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine to remember the long history of a more truly hemispheric vision of the US:
Finally, for lots more public scholarly reading & listening recommendations, check out @DrDionGeorgiou’s latest Stop, Look, & Listen newsletter:
PS. I’m sure I missed plenty as ever, so please share more writing & work, podcasts, new & forthcoming books (including yours!) below. Thanks, happy reading, listening, & learning, & happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate! #twitterstorians
The less I hear about Moms for Liberty the happier I’ll be haha