It’s the most wonderful time of the week—time for my 156th #ScholarSunday thread of great public scholarly writing & work, podcast episodes, new & forthcoming books from the last week. Add more below & enjoy, all! #twitterstorians
First, a reminder that I’m now also sharing these threads on my newsletter:
Starting with a few favorites from the week as usual, including @m7mdkurd for @thenation on Palestinians claiming the right to tell their story (h/t @KrysFrancois):
Really great edition of @steve_vladeck’s “One First” newsletter, focused on the anniversary of Belva Lockwood becoming the first woman to argue for the Supreme Court:
Two excellent journal special issues dropped this week, including @JCWE1’s edited by @hidehirota & featuring @BethLewWilliams & many more (h/t @katemasur):
& check out this special issue of @TeachHistoryAJM on history fun & games, edited by @GeekyPedagogy:
Here’s Kenneth Mohammed for @TheGuardian on an important new exhibition on the Black Atlantic & the slave trade (h/t @OlivetteOtele):
While Tracy Schorn wrote for @SmithsonianMag on how Americans are learning to love the controversial Thaddeus Stevens (h/t @develvishist):
& for the latest installment of @BaltimoreHist, @EmmanuelMehr wrote about railroad infrastructure & a Civil War-era riot:
Turning to current events, vital essay from @newsbysamuels in @NewYorker on an effort to ban his book (h/t @classroomtools):
@Will_Bunch’s column for @PhillyInquirer is a must-read as always, this time on the press in a perilously “post-truth” future:
Here’s @bleachbred for his @medium column on Trump, Evangelicals, & the perilous state of American democracy:
Finally, here are two of the many excellent pieces on Sandra Day O’Connor’s passing, including @ErikLoomis for Lawyers, Guns & Money:
& for @Slate, @Dahlialithwick & @mjs_DC wrote a thoughtful obit for O’Connor & the sad ending of her judicial legacy:
Lots of great new podcast episodes this week, including the latest @Unsung__History featuring Dylan Penningroth on Black civil rights before the Movement:
The new episode of @SkippedHistory features @mguariglia on his book Police & the Empire City & the early history of the NYPD:
For the @biographersintl podcast, @ekwashington interviewed @rachelswarns on her book on slavery & the Catholic Church:
Episode 3 of @DorothyERoberts’ #TornApart from @MsMagazine is now out & focuses on the child welfare system’s entanglements with the criminal legal system:
Two episodes of @HerbertHistory’s #HATM podcast dropped this week, including an “emergency” discussion of Napoleon with @lrbobrien & @CorinneGressang:
& also check out this episode of @HerbertHistory’s #HATM featuring @lmchervinsky on The American President:
Not a podcast episode, but @bestoneTX’s keynote address for the Southern Jewish Historical Society conference at @RiceUniversity has now been posted:
Lots of great work for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory this week, including @historianmeg on the history behind the devastating shortage of Black doctors:
@paulmrenfro wrote for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on what Ryan White revealed & what he obscured about the AIDS epidemic:
Here’s @blazingsandals for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on why we need to better remember Meriwether Lewis’ suicide:
& finally, Doug Rossinow wrote for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on Joe Biden & Israel:
Elsewhere in @TIMEHistory, editor @OBWax wrote thoughtfully on what the Holocaust contributed to Henry Kissinger’s worldview:
& speaking of public history blogs, I’m very excited that the great @myHNN is back, now sponsored by @bunkhistory & @urichmond:
Lots of great work for @BlkPerspectives this week as well, including @bunch_dr70555 on Joyce Ladner & the SNCC:
While M. Keith Claybrook wrote for @BlkPerspectives on better remembering Martin Luther King Jr.’s moral plan for justice:
& here’s E. James West for @BlkPerspectives with the latest installment in his DOCUMERICA series, this time on Black Appalachia:
Two great @BlkPerspectives book reviews this week as well, including @DylanGOHara1 on J.J. Butts’ book Dark Mirror from @ohiostatepress:
& @robgreeneII reviewed @DrHettie2017 & Melissa Ziobro’s edited collection A Seat at the Table from @upmiss:
Speaking of A Seat at the Table, I blogged about it as part of an October series on great new scholarly books that y’all should still check out:
& speaking of great new scholarly books, @MissCaton’s African Musicians in the Atlantic World is now out from @uvapress:
Here’s an excerpt in @TheAtlantic from another important new book, @TimAlberta’s on Evangelicals & Trump (h/t @JenishaWatts):
Current Pub’s Author’s Corner feature interviewed @LoiselleAim on her new book Beyond Norma Rae from @UNC_Press:
While for @chronicle, Catherine Gallagher reviewed @n_j_dames’ fascinating new book from @PrincetonUPress on the history of the chapter:
& check out this great thread from @WalterDGreason on numerous resources from his public scholarly work, including his recent book projects on CRT, hip hop, & more:
Couple important books are now available for pre-order, including @hollyguise’s Alaska Native Resilience from @UWAPress:
& also available for pre-order from @RLPGBooks is The Daughters of Immigrants, featuring @robinfield’s essay on @SusanDarraj:
Finally, tons more great books can be found on @contingent_mag’s annual, vital list of books from scholars working off the tenure track:
Gonna end with a few more favorites from the week as usual, including @SarahLWasserman for @insidehighered on the essence of the English Major (h/t @jshelat1):
@damfales wrote for @yalereview on the rise of TV miniseries about catastrophes:
For the latest installment in her Review Roulette newsletter, @gvaughnjoy watched her first James Bond film & analyzed genre, the end of the Cold War, & more:
& speaking of @gvaughnjoy, she’s a featured scholar in this @Steve_Humphries @csmonitor article on why & how holiday films endure:
Finally & as ever, you can find a lot more great public scholarship in @DrDionGeorgiou’s Stop, Look, & Listen newsletter:
PS. I’m sure I missed plenty as ever, so please add more writing & work, podcasts, new & forthcoming books (including your own!) below. Thanks, happy reading, listening, & learning, & may the holiday season get off to a restful start for y’all! #twitterstorians
I deeply appreciated the juxtaposition of the Dark Mirror book review, and interview about NYC’s policing. The more things change, the more they stay the same.