Here it is, my 154th #ScholarSunday thread of great public scholarly writing & work, podcast episodes, new & forthcoming books from the last week. Share more below & enjoy, all! #twitterstorians
First, a reminder that I’m now also sharing these threads on my newsletter:
Gonna start where I did last week, with more vital writing on Gaza, including @Hind_Gaza for @theintercept on Gaza’s Trail of Tears:
Here’s @_vajra for their website on their forthcoming “dark science fiction epic,” Gaza, & why art is always political:
Moving & important essay from @anthroprofhage for @allegra_lab on whether & how we can intellectualize Gaza (h/t @melnickjeffrey1):
For the forthcoming third issue of @HammerandHope, the great Michelle Alexander reflected on why & how we have to break our silences:
On a different but still related note, for the latest installment of her newsletter @gvaughnjoy offered a personal & political review of the Hunger Games films:
& on colonialism in an American context, @MaggieBlackhawk’s forward to the new @HarvLRev is a must-read (h/t @samuelmoyn):
Turning to other current events, here’s @tzimmer_history on what’s really happening in college classrooms & campuses:
Wonderful short essay from New York Public Library Page Claire Charvet for @nypldance on dance & banned books:
& here’s @bleachbred for his @Medium column on the recent election results & the rejection of the MAGA agenda:
For @TheGuardian, @ted_widmer interviewed the great Eric Foner on the 14th Amendment & the 2024 election (h/t @WakeRevolt):
Lots more great public scholarly writing this week, including @arimeta_d for @VanityFair on National Book Awards finalist @aaliyahbilal (h/t @Reighangillam):
@TrulyTafakari wrote for @TheAtlantic on photographer Elbert D. Howze’s vital documentation of Houston’s Fourth Ward:
For his latest @BaltimoreHist article, @EmmanuelMehr wrote about the important place of brickmaking in the city’s histories:
While @SmithsonianSec wrote for @TheAtlantic’s “On Reconstruction” project about why America can’t be scared of Black history (h/t @InThePastLane):
Speaking of the Smithsonian, check out the new @NMAAHC “Our Shared Future: Reckoning with Our Racial Past” project with @SmithsonianDPO:
For another great new digital project, here’s @jharrisfuture using Google Maps to measure continents & prejudices (h/t @WalterDGreason):
Finally, check out this excellent Amerasia Journal forum on Asian American History & Its Publics, featuring @CCenizaChoy @AmySueyoshi @chinotronic & more:
Lots of excellent new podcast episodes this week, including the latest @Unsung__History featuring @wintersjohnc on the Haudenosaunee Confederacy:
The new episode of @axelbankhistory features @dougmelville on his book The Invisible Generals from @AtriaBooks:
For the Graphic Possibilities podcast, @JulianChambliss talked with @WalterDGreason & @Dieselfunk about their Graphic History of Hip Hop:
Also make sure to check out @WalterDGreason & @danianjerry on the radio in a couple hours on how hip hop can help challenge disinformation & propaganda:
Great new @LostWomenofSci episode on Rebecca Lee Crumpler, the first Black woman to receive an MD (h/t @WalterDGreason & @jimdowns1):
I’m very excited for @DorothyERoberts’ new podcast from @MsMagazine, based on her book Torn Apart:
Finally, check out the last episode in @kjavadizadeh’s Close Reading’s series on Louise Glück, featuring Ellen Bryant Voigt, Lanny Hammer, & @athenek:
Lots more great work for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory this week, including @MikeDavisNoNot1 on government shutdowns:
Here’s Benjamin Allison for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on how 1970s diplomatic failures helped set the scene for Gaza today:
Elizabeth Varon wrote for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on what Civil War history tells us about the 14th Amendment & Trump:
Finally for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory, here’s Christopher M. Gleason on the surprising political evolution of polyamory in America:
While elsewhere for @TIME, @soulistaphd reviewed the important new @Netflix film on the great Bayard Rustin:
The @BlkPerspectives Forum on Womanist Theology continued this week, starting with @blk_herstory on Maria W. Stewart:
@roseram72 wrote for the @BlkPerspectives Forum on Alice Walker, color theory, & the “purple perspective”:
Here’s Joshua Ro for the @BlkPerspectives Forum on how the womanist imagination can liberate us from colorblind positivism:
While Jaimie D. Crumley wrote for the @BlkPerspectives Forum on what it means to enter wilderness archives:
& finally for the @BlkPerspectives Forum on Womanist Theology, @ADorianMT wrote on Black women’s intellectual movements:
Some important new books were published this week, including @juliairwin’s Catastrophic Diplomacy from @UNC_Press:
Also out this week is @blackleftaf’s Black Scare/Red Scare: Theorizing Capitalist Racism in the United States from @UChicagoPress:
@RebeccaRennerFL’s much-anticipated Gator Country is also now out, from @Flatironbooks (h/ @JanklowUK)
& likewise published this week was @ElinevanOmmen’s Nicaragua Must Survive from @ucpress (h/t @TanyaHarmer):
Now available for pre-order is @AnaRMinian’s In the Shadow of Liberty: The Invisible History of Immigrant Detention in the US from @penguinrandom:
& to check out another vital forthcoming book, here’s a sample of @imeanswhatisays’ Stay Black & Die from @DukePress:
Gonna end with a few more favorites from the week, including @reproutopia in @thedrift_mag on the devolution of The Little Mermaid (h/t @BklynInstitute):
For @PublicBooks’ Hacking the Culture Industries series, check out J.D. Porter, Angelina Eimannsberger, James English, May Hathaway, & Ashna Yakoob on Romance (h/ @dan_sinykin):
Here’s @ScottSandage for @CommonplaceJrnl on the “x-ray method” for achieving a sustainable “book-life balance” (a worthy goal for us all):
& compelling stuff from @stefanfatsis for @Slate on the controversies surrounding Scrabble’s new word list, featuring @bgzimmer:
Finally, as usual @DrDionGeorgiou’s Stop, Look, & Listen newsletter offers lots more great public scholarship for your reading pleasure:
PS. I’m sure I missed plenty as ever, so please share more public scholarly writing, podcasts, new & forthcoming books from the last week & beyond. Thanks, happy reading, listening, & learning, & may this week be a thankful & restful one! #twitterstorians