On a solemn & fraught weekend, here’s my 153rd #ScholarSunday thread of great public scholarly writing & work, podcast episodes, new & forthcoming books from the last week. Add more below & enjoy, all! #twitterstorians
First, a reminder that I’m now also sharing these threads on my newsletter:
I also wrote about the #ScholarSunday threads’ origin points as part of my 13th anniversary blog series this past week:
I wanted to start this week with a few pieces on the Israel-Palestine conflict. As an AmericanStudier, my #ScholarSunday threads largely focus on AmericanStudies public scholarship, & I’m going to go with that angle for these specific pieces as well.
But first, for a vital, thoughtful public scholarly overview, check out the esteemed Palestinian historian Rashid Khalidi interviewed for @thedrift_mag (h/t @IBJIYONGI):
Two excellent pieces this week on the US media’s failures in covering the conflict, including @ClarissaMBrooks & @VenusRoots for @Essence (h/t @MalaikaJabali):
& @Will_Bunch’s column for @PhillyInquirer is a must-read as always, this time with that same focus on the press & Gaza:
Finally, @bleachbred wrote for his @Medium coumn on free speech, dissent, & anger on college campuses:
Speaking of college campuses & crises, @AdamHSays wrote for @TheAtlantic on the existential threat posed by conservative legislatures & boards:
& for a very tangible & tragic example of those trends, make sure to read @mirrabellala for @mtnstspotlight on WVU (h/t @ARoseCasey):
Turning to other, if still related, current events, check out Daniel Pirkel for @the_emancipator on book censorship in prisons (h/t @ibramxk):
& here’s @EduardoJPardon’s impassioned introduction to the @PENamerica series America’s Censored Classrooms:
@RuthBraunstein wrote for @RNS on Mike Johnson & the Evangelical right’s embattlement strategy (h/t @MMBrussell):
Moving & crucial piece from @LZGranderson for @latimes on the outed Alabama pastor & growing up gay & Christian (h/t @sikivuhutch):
@johnastoehr interviewed @TenuredRadical on the undeniable threats to & enduring survival of America’s multiracial democracy:
For other great public scholarly writing from the week, here’s @mosermultimedia for @JSTOR_Daily on slavery & the prison plantation (h/t @DukeAAAS):
@DocTreen shared @TheGuardian’s coverage of the 125th anniversary of the Wilmington, North Carolina white supremacist coup & massacre:
& here’s @RColesworthy’s latest publishing advice column for @chronicle, this time on whether & how to turn a dissertation into a book:
Lots of great new podcast episodes this week, including the latest @Unsung__History featuring @drewmckevitt on his book on guns in America:
@buzzkillprof likewise featured @drewmckevitt & his new book this week:
While the latest episode of @draftingthepast features @soulistaphd on her new book & building layers to historical storytelling:
The new episode of @BradleyOnishi’s @StraightWhiteJC features @gavrieldrosenfe talking about his new co-edited book on fascism in America:
The latest episode of @USAimpressions features @No_IanPunsLeft on the recent elections & looking ahead to 2024:
The latest episode of @MelNelJ’s Archives & Things is a bonus ep featuring @eyoung122 & @cwilliamg on the Canada Memory of the World Register:
The new episode of @GraceHammanPhD’s Old Books with Grace featured @LuElla_DAmico on Little Women:
For @readywriting’s All the Things ADHD podcast, here’s @digiwonk on the things we’re asked to do in higher ed that we shouldn’t have to:
& two excellent new film history podcasts this week, including the latest of @HerbertHistory’s #HATM featuring @MilHist_Lee on The Last of the Mohicans:
& for the third episode of @S_Mittermeier & @torstenkathke’s delightful In Front of Ira podcast on romantic comedies, they focused on Something’s Gotta Give:
Lots more good work for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory this week, including @domerdozain on the Supreme Court & the 2nd Amendment:
@HistProfess_ER wrote for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on what Vietnam War POWs can tell us about Hamas & hostages:
While @VTfeminist wrote for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on the good & still problematic of the Ohio abortion referendum results:
& finally for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory this week, here’s Alex La Rotta on hip hop’s roots in the Caribbean:
Lots of great work for @BlkPerspectives this week as well, including @candace_n_c for #VeteransDay on police violence against Black WWII vets:
While @RogueChieftan wrote for @BlkPerspectives on all we can learn from a Black environmental history of palm trees:
Here’s @crholm3 for @BlkPerspectives on remembering Annie Rebecca Woodbey, wife of Socialist Party of America leader George Washington Woodbey:
& M. Keith Claybrook Jr. wrote for @BlkPerspectives on what Black Los Angeles contributed to the Civil Rights Freedom Rides:
Finally for @BlkPerspectives this week, a new forum on Womanist Theology starts with Tejai Beulah Howard’s introduction:
Lots of great new book releases this week, including @drewmckevitt’s aforementioned Gun Country from @UNC_Press:
Also out from @UNC_Press this week is @katisjewell’s long-anticipated Live from the Underground on the history of college radio:
& likewise out this week is @Grace_E_Hale’s newest book, the autobiographical & historical In the Pines, from @littlebrown:
Check out this @Current_Pub1 interview with @monicaklem & Madeleine McDowell on their new book from @EncounterBooks on abortion in Reconstruction America (h/t @NadyaWilliams81):
Here’s @AdiaHWingfield for @HarvardBiz on her new book on creating an inclusive organizational culture (h/t @victorerikray):
For @LilithMagazine, @marthaannetoll reviewed @ESchatter’s From Whispers to Shouts: The Ways We Talk about Cancer:
While @_michaelbarron reviewed the @LibraryAmerica’s new Don DeLillo volumes for @The_Rumpus:
Some important books are now available for pre-order as well, including @cjdenial’s A Pedagogy of Kindness from @OUPress:
Also available for re-order is @andrewkahrl’s vital The Black Tax from @UChicagoPress:
& speaking of forthcoming books, @ElizabethLBLock talked with @Dazed about her upcoming project on long hair (h/t @mitpress):
Gonna end with a few more favorites from the week as usual, including @SamuelAAdams for @Slate on why movies are getting so long:
Two great new pieces from one of our preeminent film & cultural studiers, @gvaughnjoy, including this for @ProMarket_org on monopolies & streaming TV:
& for a #VeteransDay entry in her Review Roulette newsletter, @gvaughnjoy wrote about The Best Years of Our Lives:
Also for #VeteransDay, here’s my new @SatEvePost Considering History column on the highly decorated Marine who became one of America’s most ardent antiwar voices:
Finally, @DrDionGeorgiou’s newest Stop, Look, & Listen newsletter is another way to get more great public scholarship than you could ever read (but it’s fun to try!):
PS. I’m sure I missed plenty as ever, so please share more public scholarly writing & work, podcasts, new & forthcoming books—including your own!—below. Thanks, & happy reading, listening, & learning, all! #twitterstorians