End of Daylight Savings gotcha down? Find some light in my 152nd #ScholarSunday thread of great public scholarly writing & work, podcast episodes, new & forthcoming books from the last week. Add more below & enjoy, all! #twitterstorians
First, a reminder that I’m now also sharing these threads on my newsletter:
Starting with a few favorites from the many great Halloween pieces this year, including @tribecalledlex for @ringer on the contradictions of Salem:
I’ve also written a good bit, such as in this blog post, about the frustrations & opportunities of Salem’s dualities when it comes to collective memory:
Back to this year’s Halloween goodness, my @SatEvePost colleague @TroyBrownfield wrote about some of the best screen Draculas (a very competitive list):
& a really unique & compelling essay from @nickripatrazone for @lithub on Langston Hughes’ many supernatural encounters:
Turning to other great writing from the week, here’s @rob_rubsam in @thebafflermag on filmmaker Paul Schrader’s “Man in a Room” trilogy:
Speaking of vital FilmStudying, for the latest entry in her Review Roulette newsletter @gvaughnjoy applied a disability studies lens to the Danny Kaye ghost mystery Wonder Man:
Compelling story from Selene Santiago for @metrolosangeles on the late 19C & early 20C histories of LA’s Chinatown (h/t @LAhistory):
For his weekly @BaltimoreHist newsletter, @EmmanuelMehr wrote about Juanita Jackson Mitchell’s work for the @NAACP:
Excellent stuff from Finola O’Kane for @IrishTimes on the Irish American signatory to the Constitution who was also a slaveowner (h/t @MartinDoyleIT):
& @IBJIYONGI interviewed the great Kiese Laymon for @PublicBooks:
Turning to current events, I could easily link @HC_Richardson’s newsletter in every thread, but her post on the Stock Market Crash, the GOP, & Speaker Mike Johnson was especially excellent (h/t @gastropoda):
Also excellent is this essay from @LuElla_DAmico for @Current_Pub1 on making the case for humanities education in 2023:
& among the many crucial pieces of writing this week on the Israel-Gaza conflict, former Israeli soldier @bernstein_ariel for @ObsMagazine stood out to me (h/t @EranZelnik):
Lots of great new podcast episodes this week, including the latest @Unsung__History featuring @ComedoErgoSum on the history of the nutrition facts label:
The new episode of @HerbertHistory’s #HATM podcast was a Halloween special featuring @DrSpooky_ER on Flatliners:
& speaking of @HerbertHistory, the latest episode of @mhptpodcast featured an interview with him on his career & much more:
My favorite podcast episode of the week was definitely this installment of @Fitchburg_State’s student-run Perseverantia podcast, featuring the inspiring nontraditional English Major Stephen Wells:
& if you want to add your thoughts to a great podcast, check out @C19Podcast’s Season 8 Call for Proposals:
Lots more great work this week for the revamped @madebyhistory hosted by @TIMEHistory, including @ansleyquiros on a forgotten school integration story:
Also for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory, check out @Mary_E_Mendoza on the frustratingly bipartisan border wall:
Jonathan Van Harmelen wrote for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on a New Deal program that models how we can successfully confront homelessness:
Here’s Elizabeth Schmidt for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on what we can learn from Rhodesia about the difference between talking about & supporting equality:
& finally for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory, a Halloween treat (or maybe trick) from Ulbe Bosma on how Americans became addicted to sugar:
A trio of great pieces for @BlkPerspectives this week as well, including @candace_n_c on groundbreaking educator John Potts & radical student activism:
Also for @BlkPerspectives, here’s Benjamin Baker on why Black Americans have long embraced belief in the end times:
& finally for @BlkPerspectives, @radatalay reviewed @mia_bay’s excellent new book Traveling Black from @HarvardPress:
Speaking of important new books, @EmilyMBrooksPhD’s Gotham’s War Within a War is out this week from @UNC_Press:
While @Reighangillam of @NewBooksNetwork talked with @sagreen1913 about her new book on Zora Neale Hurston, out now from @JHUPress:
& @IChotiner wrote for @NewYorker on @stuartareid’s book about the CIA & the Congo, out now from @penguinrandom:
Four great books now available for pre-order this week, including @scholarLEIGH1’s Black Girl Autopoetics from @DukePress:
Also available for pre-order is @K_Marino1’s Votes for College Women: Alumni, Students, & the Woman Suffrage Campaign from @NYUpress:
You can likewise now pre-order @reevesjw’s Soldier of Destiny (a reconsideration of one of our most underrated political figures, Ulysses S. Grant) from @Pegasus_Books:
& finally of these books now available for pre-order is @CNZander’s The Army Under Fire from @lsupress:
Gonna end with a few more favorites from the week as usual, including @tianareid interviewing Caribbean film curator @JonathanAliTT for @Criterion (ht @williamcson):
@AfroAsianMythos wrote for @TheConversation on the 30th anniversary of Enter the Wu Tang (36 Chambers) (h/t @BucarLiz):
While @newestwords wrote for @SatEvePost on the complex life & legacy of Maggie Fox, a co-founder of American spiritualism:
& if you want another great compilation of recent public scholarship, make sure to check out @DrDionGeorgiou’s Stop, Look, & Listen newsletter:
PS. I’m sure I missed plenty as ever, so please share more public scholarly writing & work, podcasts, new & forthcoming books—including your own!—below. Happy reading, listening, & learning, all! #twitterstorians