150! It’s here, my 150th #ScholarSunday thread of great public scholarly writing, podcast episodes, new & forthcoming books from the last week. Share more below, like & share the thread, help spread this communal solidarity, all! #twitterstorians
First, a reminder that I’m now also sharing these threads on my newsletter, & always will whatever happens with this site:
Second, remember that all 149 prior threads are housed in this Google Doc, if you want to revisit 3 years of amazing public scholarship:
Starting this week’s thread with some of the many thoughtful & important responses to Israel & Gaza, including @wihorne’s plea for genuine peace:
Hugh J. Curran wrote for @jricole’s Informed Comment on how Irish history resonates in Gaza:
Here’s @EdgeofSports for @thenation on the Jewish peace protest in DC & the rebirth of the Jewish Justice Movement:
& @shadihamid wrote for @washingtonpost on the need for all of us to have some intellectual humility when it comes to a fraught debate like this one:
Lots of other great public scholarly writing this week as well, including @RickyRiccardi for @64parishes on Louis Armstrong & New Orleans (h/t @lynellgeorge):
Here’s @KCorinealdi for @ThePublicSquare on seeing Panama City through the eyes of Black elders (h/t @Reighangillam):
For his weekly @BaltimoreHist column, @EmmanuelMehr wrote about a slave trader’s assault on a white abolitionist & the resulting trial:
& check out this great @KeneAkers thread on the very American stories of Frederick Douglass’ three sons (h/t @RobertS64663550):
Turning back to current events, @MollyJongFast wrote for @VanityFair on Jim Jordan & the GOP chaos in the House:
Also on the Speaker of the House, here’s @MattDallek for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on historical contexts (more @madebyhistory goodness below):
& also for @VanityFair, here’s @eveb on the Pioneer Woman’s bizarre but telling links to the murderous histories behind Killers of the Flower Moon:
Lots of great new podcast episodes this week, including the latest @Unsung__History featuring @talia_n on the Korean War’s Borinqueneers:
The new episode of @LatinoUSA, produced by @DaisyJourno, features @mireyalozaphd & her bracero uncle Juan Loza:
For the latest episode of @HerbertHistory’s #HATM podcast, @lmacthompson1 @llassabe & @LeahLochoa talked Dirty Dancing & 80s feminisms:
For @redmonk’s podcast, @KateHolterhoff interviewed @PhDhurtBrain on the history of AI (h/t @HermioneClone):
For @thebigstoryfpn, @svershbow talked about her illuminating @esquire piece on the secret world of book blurbs:
& for an important upcoming conversation, check out @TeaMerchant1773’s webinar for @BOSTeaParty250 this Monday:
Lots more goodness for TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory this week, including @ialmarashi on the origins of Hamas:
@suzanneenzerink wrote for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory on the Travis King saga & the diplomatic damage of racism:
& finally for @TIMEHistory’s @madebyhistory, here’s @petecanttweet on the Walt Disney Company’s centennial:
Over at @BlkPerspectives, the Race & Latin America Forum continued this week, including @jasminephd on Black actresses in Brazil:
@tropigalia wrote for the @BlkPerspectives Forum on the importance of revisiting Carolina Maria de Jesus:
While Stephanie Reist wrote for the @BlkPerspectives Forum on the parallel work of reckoning with whiteness in Brazil:
& the @BlkPerspectives Race & Latin America Forum concluded with Joāo Gabriel Rabello Sodré & Vítor Antunes on Rio’s Carnival Quilombo:
A pair of great new scholarly books dropped this week, including @FictionsofHaiti’s Awakening the Ashes from @UNC_Press (h/t @JuliaGaffield):
& also published this week was @nonmodernist’s Before Fanfiction from @lsupress (h/t @JLaurenceCohen):
@ProenzaColes shares another important recent publication, @ProfCeceliaM’s Making the Latino South from @UNC_Press:
@kgmkenny wrote for @OUPHistory’s on the new 25th anniversary edition of his vital book Making Sense of the Molly Maguires:
& check out this interview with @profjasonruiz for the @UTexasPress blog on his new book Narco Media:
Speaking of important new books, @kathleen_belew reviewed @maddow’s Prequel for @washingtonpost:
Gonna end with a couple more favorites from the week as usual, including @HistoryToday’s ghost story forum featuring @DrFrancisYoung @_drsang @tait_clodagh & @EllenFWalker:
For the latest entry in her excellent Review Roulette newsletter, @gvaughnjoy applied a feminist lens to Pleasantville:
Finally, two ways to reflect on 150 weeks of #ScholarSunday threads, including the latest of @DrDionGeorgiou’s parallel, essential Stop, Look, & Listen compilations:
& yesterday I wrote a meta-thread reflecting on these first 150 #ScholarSunday threads & why I believe doing & sharing this work is important on many levels:
PS. I’m sure I missed plenty as ever, so as I’ve asked every week for 150 now, please share more writing, podcasts, new & forthcoming books below. Thanks, happy reading, listening, & learning, & here’s to the next 150 weeks & to solidarity in all this great work, all! #twitterstorians
I’m so glad I stumbled upon this great work you are doing. Thank you so much for making me a little smarter.