Here it is, my 148th #ScholarSunday thread of great public scholarly writing & work, podcast episodes, new & forthcoming books from the last week. Share more below & enjoy, all! #twitterstorians
First, a reminder that I’m now also sharing these threads on my newsletter:
Starting with a few favorites from the week as usual, including @HenryMcEric for @TheAmScho tracking down the legendary Mama Lou:
@Miss_Rosen interviewed @johnedwinmason for @HUCKmagazine on the underlooked & vital role of Black studio photographers:
@DeborahYaffe wrote for @CivicStory on the T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center (h/t @WalterDGreason):
& here’s Kami Horton for @OPB on the 150th anniversary of a series of white supremacist executions of Modoc leaders (h/t @moodycreek):
For this week’s @BaltimoreHist column, @EmmanuelMehr wrote about Black radicals in antebellum Baltimore:
Here’s Andy O’Brien for @MaineWCH on the 90th anniversary of the founding of an important shipbuilders’ union:
Important work from @BrianDeLay for @AmHistReview on the role of the arms trade in revolutions across the Americans (Brian’s offered to send the article along to anyone without access):
& @gvaughnjoy has officially launched her weekly Review Roulette newsletter with the first review, of Hitchcock’s under-rated Rope:
Turning to current events, here’s an excerpt in @theappeal from Benjamin Weber’s important new book on mass incarceration (h/t @guye_guion):
@williamcson wrote for @prismreports on how the long history of indicting anarchism helps us understand attacks on Cop City protesters (h/t @DwayneDavidPaul):
Inspiring stuff from @markhertsgaard for @TheNation on @Janefonda’s climate change activism (h/t @KatrinaNation):
@bleachbred wrote for his @Medium column on Kevin McCarthy, GOP & MAGA dysfunction, & white supremacist politics:
Speaking of right-wing extremism, @Will_Bunch for @PhillyInquirer is a must-read as ever, this time on the right’s “Red Caesar” fantasies:
On a happier note, news of two awesome new archives this week, including @TC_Nowak for @SmithsonianMag on a Phillis Wheatley collection (h/t @DukeAAAS):
& check out the new, digital @HGSE Black Teacher Archive, led by the efforts of @jarvisgivens & @imaniperry (h/t @ClintSmithIII):
Lots of new podcast episodes this week, including the latest @Unsung__History featuring @KatherineLTurk on the history of @NationalNOW:
Episode 5 of @academicodpod featuring @rachel_griffis on academic conferences & the benefits of collaboration:
Episode 2 of the important new @ThisMyStory_Pod features Nahomi, a college student & undocumented immigrant (h/t @SilasLapham):
The newest episode of @HerbertHistory’s #HATM features the inimitable @CharlesPPierce on the under-rated Bogart film Deadline USA:
& I was very excited to be featured on @hoosier_victory’s Freedom over Fascism podcast, talking curriculum & history battles:
Lots of great work for @BlkPerspectives this week, including @lucien_baskin for @SchomburgCBFS interviewing @JeanneTheoharis @redrubes14 & @JHamilton71 about their Rosa Parks documentary:
Speaking of inspiring women like Parks, @CathleenDCahill wrote for @BlkPerspectives on Black women’s activism:
Here’s @rochellespencer for @BlkPerspectives on teaching Afrofuturism:
& E. Nicole Vines wrote for @BlkPerspectives on Mary E. Pleasant, the “Mother of Civil Rights in California”:
Speaking of great public scholarly blogs, don’t forget to pitch @madebyhistory at their new @TIMEHistory home!
Lots of important new books dropped this week, including @dan_sinykin’s Big Fiction from @ColumbiaUP:
Also out this week is @PDabashi’s Losing the Plot from @UChicagoPress:
@creoleprof’s Black Grief/White Grievance is now out from @PrincetonUPress, & check out this conversation about it with @nrookie:
While for @theartsfuse, @blakeSmaddux interviewed @HC_Richardson about her new book Democracy Awakening:
The @newbooksnetwork’s New Books in American Studies featured @acweimer on his new book A Constitutional Culture:
For @BucksCoBeacon, @wihorne reviewed @KidadaEWilliams vital Reconstruction history I Saw Death Coming:
For another vital recent work of historical reimagining, check out Dylan Penningroth’s Before the Movement from @wwnorton (h/t @JohnFabianWitt):
& for a forthcoming such revision of our historical understandings, @kcarterjackson’s We Refuse is now available for pre-order from @BasicBooks:
Gonna end with a few of the many amazing pieces for #BannedBooksWeek, including publisher @AyoSekai chatting with @DiverseIssues (h/t @WalterDGreason):
Here’s @ishenarobinson, Deputy Editorial Director of @NAACP_LDF, on how book bannings fit into the larger fight against racial justice:
@SilasLapham wrote for his blog on Ashley Hope Pérez’s Out of Darkness for #BannedBooksWeek:
& Pérez’s book is one of a handful I highlighted in my latest @SatEvePost Considering History column, on challenging book burnings & bans by reading & teaching Latino & LGBT texts:
PS. I’m sure I missed plenty as ever, so please share more writing & work, podcasts, new & forthcoming books below. Thanks, happy reading, listening, & learning, & may it be a restful & reflective Indigenous Peoples’ Day! #twitterstorians